Nævn 30 absurde metaforer for samleje
At tænde en stjerne
At spille bordtennis med en kænguru
At male et landskab med en fodbold
At lave en kage med en støvsuger
At skrive en roman med en banan
At lave en skulptur af gummi dyr
At skrive en sang med en håndværktøjskasse
At lave en kop te med en trompet
At lave en sandwich med en slange
At spille skak med en ko
At lave en skulptur af spinat
At lave en kop te med en køkkenkniv
At lave en sandwich med en fisk
At spille skak med en flodhest
At lave en skulptur af blyanter
At lave en kop te med en gryde
At lave en sandwich med en kaktus
At spille skak med en papegøje
At lave en skulptur af kartofler
At lave en kop te med en fjernbetjening
At lave en sandwich med en øgle
At spille skak med en flamingo
At lave en skulptur af krystal
At lave en kop te med en rødbede
At lave en sandwich med en sæl
kom med 15 absurde metaforer for at skrive
The blank page is a bottomless pit, waiting to be filled with the writer's gibberish.
The writer's pen is a meat cleaver, hacking through the dense jungle of confusion.
The sentence is a rubber band, stretching and contorting to fit the writer's whims.
The story is a game of pinball, bouncing wildly from one idea to the next.
The words are a box of chocolates, each one a surprise flavor that delights or disgusts the reader.
The paragraph is a house of cards, precariously balanced and ready to collapse at any moment.
The thesaurus is a magical hat, producing endless nonsensical synonyms at the writer's command.
The writer's mind is a circus, filled with clowns, acrobats, and other bizarre sights and sounds.
The editor's red pen is a laser beam, zapping any trace of logic or coherence from the text.
The writing process is a game of Twister, contorting the writer's body and mind into impossible positions.
The writer's voice is a hologram, shimmering and shifting in an endless array of forms.
The character is a clown car, packed full of quirks, flaws, and other unexpected surprises.
The conflict is a game of tug-of-war, with the writer and the reader pulling in opposite directions.
The climax is a fireworks show, a dazzling display of insanity that leaves the reader's mind reeling.
The ending is the punchline of a terrible joke, leaving the reader confused, frustrated, and possibly a little angry.